Request for Applications - Let's Talk HIV Prevention 2011
31/01/2011 - The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise (the Enterprise) is accepting applications for its Let's Talk HIV Prevention series from individuals
and organizations around the world interested in hosting a community event to raise awareness of the exceptional progress and challenges in HIV prevention research.
Let's Talk HIV Prevention 2011 aims to increase leadership opportunities for young and early-career investigators (YECIs) involved in HIV prevention work
and to commemorate HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (18 May), the day in which we pay tribute to the communities, participants and researchers who have been contributing to efforts to
find an HIV vaccine. The Enterprise will award up to $1,000 USD to approximately 5-10 applicants who meet the eligibility criteria indicated below.
Eligibility Criteria
- Organizers should work in the HIV prevention field.
- Main organizer(s) should be under 40 years of age or within ten years from their terminal degree. These individuals may wish to form small groups or and/or engage senior investigator (s) as co-organizers.
- Events should focus on increasing dialogue between the community and HIV prevention experts (scientists, clinical trialists, epidemiologists, healthcare workers, etc.). A town hall-like format is suggested, but creative proposals with other formats are also acceptable.
- Event topics must focus on HIV prevention and could include, but are not limited to: HIV vaccines, microbicides, PrEP, epidemiology of the disease, HIV testing and clinical trials.
- Events should commemorate HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (18 May) and occur between 11 and 25 May 2011.
How to Apply
Complete the application form http://www.vaccineenterprise.com/content/application by 28 February 2011. All applications will be reviewed by the Enterprise Secretariat and all applicants will be notified on or before 11 March 2011.
About Let's Talk HIV Prevention
The Let's Talk HIV Prevention series was launched on World AIDS Day 2010 (1 December) in response to the 2010 Scientific Strategic Plan (2010 Plan) of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, a collaborative framework to
accelerate HIV vaccine research and development. The 2010 Plan calls for an expansion of career development and leadership opportunities for young and early-career investigators as well as investigators from countries highly affected by the epidemic.
Click here to view the request for applications and visit the Enterprise web site for additional information.
"Reproduced with permission - Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise"
Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise