Positive Gathering
A conference developed for and by HIV+ people in British Columbia
Positive Gathering is a three-day, all-inclusive event where HIV-positive British Columbians come together to learn and share with their peers in a safe,
open and constructive environment. This year, we're committed to Living Longer, Living Well. Our peer delivered interactive workshops are designed for HIV-positive people to enhance their quality of life through open dialogue about the shared experience of this disease. Our breakaway sessions and gala dinner are great opportunities for networking and having fun!
March 26-28, 2010
Plaza 500 Hotel, (500 West 12th) Vancouver BC
Space is limited Register now!
604-803-2290 * 1-800 994-2437
Presented by:
BC Persons With AIDS Society
DTES Consummers Board
Friends For Life
Healing Our Spirit
Positive Living Resource Center Okanagan
Pacific AIDS Network
Positive Living Fraser Valley
Positive Living North
South Fraser AIDS Service Society
Wings Housing Society
Vancouver Island PWA Society
YouthCo AIDS Society
