NAPWA 2012 Healthy Living Summit
National Association of People with AIDS presents the only natioanl conference in the United States run by and specically for People Living with HIV/AIDS
Save the Date
April 10 - 14, 2012

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Click HERE for the conference flyer and schedule!
April 5, 2012 - NAPWA announces the first annual National Healthy Living Summit, April 10-14, 2012, in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. Originally scheduled August 7-10, 2011, the Summit promotes healthy living
for people living with HIV. The new National Healthy Living Expo continues the work of NAPWA's popular Staying Alive national conferences
in a new environment of not just surviving with HIV but living productive and fulfilling lives.
For more than 25 years NAPWA has been the oldest, most trusted voice for saving and improving the lives of people impacted
by HIV/AIDS and this year's event looks to build upon that tradition.
The Healthy Living Summit will be held in the award-winning American Airlines Training & Conference Center in the
heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area. People living with HIV/AIDS are encouraged to attend the event to learn how to
become involved in advocacy work in their respective regions and receive useful information about government subsidized housing
and medication.
"The Healthy Living Summit welcomes all who are interested in improving quality of life for and addressing issues
that affect people living with HIV/AIDS," said Stephen Bailous, Senior Vice President for Treatment Advocacy and Community
Affairs. "Sponsors, including pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, and supplement manufacturers are offered
a unique opportunity for visibility among hundreds of leaders in the HIV/AIDS community."
For more information, contact Stephen Bailous,
The National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA) Founded
in 1983 as the largest and oldest advocacy group for people living with HIV/AIDS, NAPWA is the trusted independent voice for all
people living with the virus in the United States. NAPWA remains a strong voice in policy, capacity building, leadership
development, and social networking. NAPWA is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization based in Silver Spring, Maryland. For
more information about NAPWA, please visit
"Reproduced with permission - "National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA) "
National Association of People with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA)