Knowledge. Understanding. Prevention. It starts with you.
CALGARY, Nov. 27, 2007 - AIDS Calgary Awareness Association celebrates AIDS Awareness Week (Nov. 26 - Dec. 1) leading up to World AIDS Day on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2007. AIDS Awareness Week seeks to increase public awareness
about HIV/AIDS and focuses attention on what it means to live with HIV. AIDS Calgary continues to advocate for HIV education and prevention in addition to offering information, programs and services that support people living with, at-risk for, and affected by HIV/AIDS.
Currently, there are approximately 58,000 Canadians living with HIV/AIDS and it is estimated that 25% aren't aware of their HIV status. Every two hours someone in Canada is infected with HIV, unfortunately thousands of Canadians still face HIV-related stigma and discrimination. Today, women are two to four times more vulnerable to HIV infection, youth has one of the fastest rising infection rates, and aboriginal people are five times more likely to have AIDS than any other Canadian. Unfortunately, thousands of Canadians still face HIV-related stigma and discrimination. HIV/AIDS awareness is the first step
and the key to prevention. AIDS Awareness Week is the perfect opportunity for people to reflect on how HIV impacts everyone in our community and to take the time to learn more and offer support to people who are living positive.
Several events are taking place around Calgary during AIDS Awareness Week, including AIDS Calgary's Memorial Service, taking place at 2:00 p.m. Nov. 30, at AIDS Calgary's new office, 110, 1603 - 10th Avenue S.W. Many of the activities will include training opportunities for service providers. For a detailed list of events taking place around Calgary, please visit
World AIDS Day is an opportunity to gain knowledge, understanding and increase public awareness about HIV/AIDS and bring to light the realities of what it means to live with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Calgary continues to advocate for HIV/AIDS education and prevention in addition to providing informational programs and services that support people at-risk for living with and that are affected by HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Calgary is a local not-for-profit AIDS service organization that offers support services to individuals who are at-risk for, infected or affected by HIV/AIDS and provides prevention and education throughout the Calgary region. Our mission: To reduce the harm associated with HIV and AIDS for all individuals and communities in the Calgary region. For more
information, please contact AIDS Calgary at (403) 508-2500 or online at www.aidscalgary.org.
For further information:
Chris Huestis,
Communications Analyst,
AIDS Calgary Awareness Association,
(403) 508-2500 ext. 120,