International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2012: Promoting Health and Dignity Together

February 28, 2012 - "Promoting Health and Dignity Together" is the theme of the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial 2012. The
theme aims to raise awareness around HIV and to promote respect for the human rights of people living with HIV. The memorial will take place on Sunday 20 May 2012.
The theme "Promoting Health and Dignity Together" is inspired by the Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention framework which is
a people-centered and human rights based approach to the HIV response.
Join tens of thousands of people worldwide and participate in the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial.
Want to organize a Candlelight Memorial yourself? Visit the website at for practical information and to register.
Registration has now opened for the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. On the website you will also be able to download the poster for the 2012 Memorial.
The website of the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial has a new feel with many useful resources. The site now includes a map showing all the places in the world where the International AIDS Candlelight
Memorial will be held this year. In addition, the site can now be viewed in different languages through a translate function.
The registration form is available in English, French and Spanish.
The 29th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is hosted by the Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+).
GNP+ (Martin Stolk, Communications officer, by email,
or phone
+31-20-423 4114)
The Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+) is a global network for and by people
living with HIV. GNP+ advocates to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV. The central theme for the work
of GNP+ is Reclaiming Our Lives! GNP+ programmes are organised under four platforms of action: Empowerment; Positive
Health, Dignity and Prevention; Human Rights; and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
"Reproduced with permission - Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+)"
Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+)