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Saving Lives Now: Female Condoms and the Role of U.S. Foreign Aid
Report Launch and Community Briefing
Please join the Center for Health and Gender Equity for the release of our new report
Saving Lives Now: Female Condoms and the Role of U.S. Foreign Aid
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Global Health Council
1111 19th Street, NW, Suite 1120, Washington, D.C.
Serra Sippel, Executive Director, Center for Health and Gender Equity
Mitchell Warren, Executive Director, AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition
Bidia Deperthes, HIV/AIDS Technical Advisor for Comprehensive Condom Programming, UNFPA
Moderated by Marianne Callahan, Deputy Director of Clinical Research, CONRAD
RSVP to change@genderhealth.org by April 18, 2008
Saving Lives Now will be available for download and purchase on April 22, 2008 at www.preventionnow.net