The Canadian Treatment Action Council would like to invite you to the CTAC OPEN HOUSE
August 22, 2012
Join our office-warming party to celebrate the successful completion of the first phase of our organizational renewal process, and in welcoming the new members of our Board and staff team!
We also wish to take this opportunity to thank you, our members and partners, as we re-commit to our shared goals to develop a comprehensive HIV and Viral Hepatitis co-infection treatment and service access response in Canada.
Monday, August 27 th , 2012
4:00 to 6:00 pm at 555 Richmond Street West, Suite 612
Remarks from Akim Adé Larcher, Executive Director at 5:00 pm
Light snacks and beverages will be served
Please RSVP to jessica@ctac.ca
Akim Adé Larcher
Executive Directo
Phone: (416) 410=6538 ex. 222
Email: akim@ctac.ca
Web: www.ctac.ca
The Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) works to secure and ensure access to therapies, treatments and care for people living with HIV/AIDS,
including those who are co-infected, by working with the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. For more information on CTAC's mandate,
mission and work please visit www.ctac.ca .

555 rue Richmond Street West/Ouest Suite/bureau 612
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B1
Ph/Tél: 1-877-237-2822, ext./poste 222 / 416-410-6538, ext./poste 222
Fax/Téléc: 416-410-1369
"Reproduced with permission - CTAC Canadian Treatment Action Council /Conseil canadien de surveillance et d'accès aux traitement"
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