The Farha Foundation asks you: Why are you walking?
Montreal, Quebec (September 12, 2011)
1- Your name:
Mark A. Wainberg
2- Your profession:
Professor at McGill University and Director of the McGill University AIDS Centre
3- Where are you from?
Montreal, Quebec
4- Why are you walking?
I am walking to help the Farha Foundation. Since the 1980s, I have been involved with several HIV/AIDS initiatives.
This includes conducting research, writing studies about the disease, and being part of committees in this field.
I was president of the International AIDS Society from 1998 to 2000, and in 2006, I co-chaired the XVI International
AIDS Conference that was held in Toronto.
5- How long have you been walking with the Farha Foundation?
I have been walking in this event for 15 years.
6- Did you know Ron Farha?
Yes, I knew him very well.
7- What are your favourite shoes?
Any pair that gets me to the finish line are my favourite shoes. He was a very good friend. He helped the McGill AIDS Centre
and he often visited the lab. He always had very good research ideas. He fought discrimination. I will miss him forever.
ÇA MARCHE ( camarche.ca ), one of the first Farha Foundation's
event to emerge in 1993, is an annual walkathon of 7 kilometres, gathering thousands of persons aiming at raising funds and
sensitizing the population to the HIV/AIDS cause.
The Farha Foundation is Quebec's leading fundraising organization committed to helping men, women and children
living with HIV/AIDS. The events organized by the Farha Foundation also serve to raise public awareness of the AIDS pandemic.
Since 1992, the Farha Foundation has distributed over $8.3 million to some 76 organizations throughout Quebec
that provide care and services (housing, medication, food, palliative care, homecare, etc.), as well as AIDS prevention and education
programs. An advisory committee determines which organizations the Foundation supports and ensures that the funds are put to the
best possible use. To learn more about the Farha Foundation, please visit www.farha.qc.ca.
"Reproduced with permission - Farha Foundation "
Farha Foundation