Afro-Canadian Positive Network
of BC
February 2012 - Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC is a non-profit organisation of HIV/AIDS infected and affected immigrants of African origin regardless of race or ethnicity who seek to find comfort, companionship and empowerment in a common cultural and social environment.
What We Do
We advocate on behalf of each other for housing, translating, referring, etc.
We do hospital visits for any hospitalized members and their families.
We care for hospitalized members' children.
We make home visits.
We find and provide culturally appropriate food.
We educate eachother on HIV/AIDS management, medications, prevention, STDs, sexual health, law, and disclosure issues.
We provide education on human rights in relation to the society we are living in.
We provide peer counselling for trauma, grief and resettlement issues.
We do pre- and post-test peer counselling.
We do community outreach programs.
We encourage our members to be part of other HIV/AIDS organizations to benefit from healing retreats, educational meetings, and as a progression into the larger community.
We interact with various other HIV/AIDS organisations for the betterment of all the people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in British Columbia and the rest of the country.
We believe in freedom from shame and guilt and that continuous spiritual growth enhances self confidence leading to a positive outlook on life in the face of all adversity.
For more information visit Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC
"Reproduced with permission - Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC"
Afro-Canadian Positive Network of BC