Proudly presented by caya powered by TELUS
June 2, 2012 - 11AM - 1 PM
3888 Main Street, Vancouver BC V5V 3N9
A benefit to support the AIDS Vancouver Asian Community Outreach Project
Tickets are $50 per person,
$450 for a table of 10 available on our website www.aidsvancouver.org/celebritydimsum!
Media Enquiries or Interviews:
Director of Development
Direct: 604 696 4659

About AIDS Vancouver
The first AIDS service organization in Canada.
AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada. The agency was formed in response to an emerging disease that was starting to infect and affect local
communities in Vancouver, specifically gay men. From our beginning, AIDS Vancouver evolved with the progression of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This evolution has made our service delivery
and program development relevant and innovative today.
While setting standards for excellence in program and service delivery, we work with policy makers to address complex legal, ethical and socioeconomic issues. The principles of Health
Promotion, Harm Reduction, Community Based Research, Community Development and Volunteerism guide and direct us.
AIDS Vancouver-what we do.
Our mission is to alleviate individual and collective vulnerability to HIV and AIDS through support, public education and community-based research. Our mandate is Prevent Act Support.
AIDS Vancouver opened its doors in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada in response to the growing need for community health organizations to support individuals vulnerable
to the epidemic.
Each year, over 7,000 people from all over the world are accessing some form of service provided by AIDS Vancouver. AIDS Vancouver continues to respond to the ongoing changing and
challenging health care environment of HIV/AIDS and is fully dedicated to grow and respond to meet the needs of the community we serve. AIDS Vancouver strives to keep our
programming innovative and relevant.
We offer a comprehensive range of services. Specifically, we have intensive and long-term case management, care teams (the only at home individual support program in the city), the
only HIV positive nutrition focused grocery program in Vancouver for HIV positive individuals in need, confidential helpline, an information & resource centre providing materials
in numerous languages to support newly arrived Canadians, as well as education, prevention and community outreach programs.
"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Vancouver "
AIDS Vancouver