National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day August 2020 and Inclusion on Calendar
August 13, 2020 - Washington, D.C. - By the time it takes to read this article, another person will be diagnosed with HIV in the United States. Faith and Spirituality plays a major role in the lives of many Americans. Many find faith or spirituality to be a connection to a spiritual being, deity or creator. Unfortunately for many living with HIV, faith communities can turn from a place of refuge to a source of stigma and turmoil.
National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day was created with a goal to unite US communities representative of the Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu and Baha’i faiths to take a stand against stigma in their congregations and raise awareness on HIV/AIDS.
National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day will be held this year on Sunday, August 30th 2020 with events, webinars, performances, and much needed discussion taking place Thursday, August 27th until Monday August 31st.
Scheduled events include:
Thursday, August 27th, 2020
12 pm Opening Ceremony- Steering Committee
1 pm Muslims & HIV: Amplifying the voices of HIV+ Muslims, their allies and community experiences.
Friday, August 28th, 2020
3 pm Muslim Prayer Service – Imam Daniel Hernandez
Saturday, August 29th, 2020
12 pm Jewish Prayer Service – Rabbi Dadoun
7 pm “Hear Me, See Me”: Spoken word artists and performers focus on HIV, faith and healing.
Sunday, August 30th, 2020
3 pm Christian Prayer Service – Pastor William Francis
7 pm HIV and Faith in Resilience and Renewal: Conversations on the Legacy and Future of the U.S. Faith Response to HIV & AIDS – A Conversation with Rev. Edwin Sanders and Khadijah Abdullah.
Monday, August 31st, 2020
3 pm Buddhist Prayer Service -Bhikkhu Sagarananda Tien
5 pm Virtual Town Hall: Get out and Vote – HIV & COVID is on the Ballot. Elections are coming up in November. Organizers will encourage attendees to register and vote as our lives depend on it, especially when it comes to HIV/AIDS and Covid-19. Many living with HIV or at risk come from communities that also have high Covid-19 incidence rates. Voting can save lives.
Panelists: Dr. Abdul El-Sayed – Public Health Doctor & Former Candidate for Gov. of MI, Naina Khanna – Positive Women’s Network, Larry Bryant – ACLU & Max Boykin – Black AIDS Institute
Host your own event during the week of National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day and share with @faithaidsday on Facebook or Instagram our use #NFHAAD and it will be displayed across NFHAAD social media accounts.
Recently, National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day was recognized as an official Awareness Day and added to the calendar. To view the calendar, please visit:
National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day aims to create change in faith communities across the nation, making it a safe space for those who are living with HIV.
For more information, subscribe to the newsletter, donate, or become a sponsor, visit
About National Faith HIV & AIDS Awareness Day: NFHAAD was founded by the Founder and Executive Director of Reaching All HIV+ Muslims in America (RAHMA) and the organization’s partners in 2017. The observance is intended to engage faith communities to work together for HIV & AIDS education, prevention, treatment, care and support, and to reduce and eliminate stigma and discrimination. NFHAAD officially takes place on the last Sunday of August.
One Day. Each Year. Until We Find A Cure.

Faith plays a major role in the lives of many Americans. Many find faith to be a connection to a spiritual being, deity or creator. Unfortunately for many Americans living with HIV, faith communities can turn from a place of refuge to a source of stigma and turmoil.
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