Mark S. King’s 60th Birthday Bash
A Virtual Livestream Event
A salute to Long-Term HIV Survivors benefiting The Reunion Project
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Birthday Party 7:00 – 8:00 PM ET
After Party 8:00 – ?
Novembere 16, 2020 - Mark S. King’s 60th Birthday Bash will salute long-term HIV survivors with performances, celebrity guests and an interactive “after party.”
Get your free registration or make a donation here
(Donors over $250 will be recognized during the live event!)
Join HIV activist Mark S. King and an exciting collection of community leaders (and celebrity guests!) for an hour of performances and celebration. “This ain't another webinar, folks,” Mark promises; “so no Powerpoint slides, no lessons, and no crying. Let's have some fun and celebrate how far we have come. Well, all that, plus I always wanted celebrities at my birthday party.”
The one-hour birthday event will be followed by an interactive “after-party” on Zoom, where attendees can socialize with one another and enter various private lounges to hang out and catch up on camera. We need to stay connected, and reconnect with each other. With long-term survivors reaching birthday milestones that once seemed impossible, there is much to celebrate.
Donations will benefit The Reunion Project, a national network of HIV/AIDS long-term survivors.
Registered attendees will receive a link to attend prior to the event on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, at 7:00 PM ET. The After-Party will begin immediately after the one-hour birthday event.

A roundtable event hosted by The Reunion Project
brought together long-term survivors and allies
"Reproduced with permission - "My Fabulous Disease
Mark S. King"
My Fabulous Disease
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