Red Ribbons 4 Life 8
Columbia Theatre. New Westminster
6 - 10 PM
The RED RIBBONS 4 LIFE 8, an evening of remembrance, celebration and entertainment to benefit the Surrey HIV/AIDS Food Bank,
will once again feature Bobby Drake, World renowned Live Female Inmpersonator.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Brian Conway MD FRCPC.
Emcees Martin Rooney & Mira Le Noir
Feature performances by Miz Adrien, Jennifer Gedded, Kiki LaWhore & Robin Loveless,
Doors open at 5:30pm - Vigil 6:15pm
Entertainment 6:30pm
Raffles Auctions to benefit Surrey HIV/AIDS Food Bank.
Red Ribbons 4 Life has now become the largest single, one-night benefit for AIDS in the lower mainland outside the city of Vancouver!
This event was founded in 2008 by Martin Rooney as a part of the campaign to remove the US HIV Travel Ban. Proceeds have surpassed $35,000 since its inception and have benefitted two worthy organizations — primarily the Surrey HIV Food Bank (operated by Lookout) and AIDS Tijuana (Traux House), a clinic in Tijuana Mexico operating with funds raised through the International Court System and the Imperial Court de San Diego California.
When: Sunday (November 29) 6-10PM
Where: The Columbia Theatre (530 Columbia St. New Westminster BC)
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Brian Conway MD FRCPC
Tickets: $25CAD*
Website: http://redribbons4life.com/theevent8.htm
Tickets can be purchased on line www.redribbons4life.com or at The Columbia box office Mon - Fri 11am to 5pm daily
If you have any questions about the event, or issues concerning ticket purchase, contact: rr4life@ shaw.ca
"Reproduced with permission - Red Ribbons 4 Life
Red Ribbons 4 Life
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