6th Annual International Conference on Stigma: Looking Inward, Moving Forward
November 20, 2015
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Howard University Blackburn Center
2400 6th Street NW
Washington, DC
October-2015 - The 6th Annual International Conference on Stigma will take place at Howard University on Friday November 20, 2015 from 8:00 Am to 5:00 PM. The theme of this year’s conference is “Looking Inward, Moving Forward.” As in the past this conference will bring together researchers, activists, members of the academic community , affected individuals, and the larger community, to explore the topic of HIV -related Stigma, and what can be done to reduce stigma. An evening dinner and musical event will follow the conference.
Stigma is an attitude that degrades a person or a group due to an attribute, such as an illness, deformity, color, nationality, religion etc. Perceived stigma by the discredited person is equally destructive whether or not actual discrimination occurs. Stigma destroys a person's dignity; marginalizes affected individuals; violates basic human rights; markedly diminishes the chances of a stigmatized person achieving full potential; and seriously hampers pursuit of happiness and contentment.
Stigma, when associated with a medical condition or disability, prevents a person
from seeking evaluation and treatment, disclosing the diagnosis to those most likely to provide support, and following treatment guidelines.
In response, Howard University is working to establish a Center at Howard University to address this problem.
Please see www.whocanyoutell.org/ for more information.
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