Disclosure: Telling Someone You Are Living with HIV
Positive Living BC has published a new resource, “Disclosure: Telling Someone You Are Living with HIV.
February 20, 2015
“Disclosure: Telling Someone You Are Living with HIV” is based on the lived experience of PLHIV and includes:
- benefits and risks of disclosure;
- information on legal obligations to disclose;
- planning for disclosure; and
- provincial resources offering further information and support.
To download copies of this resource, or our other educational HIV-related resources, please consult the Society's website ( www.positivelivingbc.org).
You can order hard copies of our resources online using this form or by emailing me at leahg@positivelivingbc.org .
Leah Giesbrecht
Communications Coordinator
Positive Living Society of BC
803 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1R8
t. 604.893.2234
f. 604.893.2251
tf. 1.800.994.2437
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POSITIVE LIVING BC is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action. We are a Registered Non-profit Society (#11928-2085) and an established leader in the HIV/AIDS movement. Uniquely among major agencies in Canada, the POSITIVE LIVING BC Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV+ members.
Formerly known as the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (BCPWA) and with a membership of more than 5,000 HIV+ members, we are Western Canada's largest AIDS service organization and a proud history spanning three decades.
"Reproduced with permission - POSITIVE LIVING BC"
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