Call for Abstracts: North American Housing & HIV/AIDS Research Summit VIII
April 28, 2015
The eighth North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit will be held on September 14 - 16, 2015 in Washington, DC. The scope of Summit VIII is expanded to include the full range of social drivers of HIV, including poverty, housing status, food security, employment, incarceration, race/ethnicity, behavioral health issues, stigma and intimate partner violence. What impact do these drivers have on health disparities? What policies and programs can influence these drivers or mitigate their negative effects?
Abstracts are now being accepted for oral or poster presentations. For information about formatting your abstract, and for a list of topics of interest, please visit the North American Housing & HIV/AIDS Research Summit website. The deadline for abstract submission is May 29, 2015.
Source: Housing & HIV/AIDS Research Summit
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