Heroes in the Fight: Meet Peter
June 18, 2014 - Peter Staley never meant to become an activist-but be glad he did. Because of early AIDS activists like him, scientists were driven to develop life-saving HIV/AIDS drugs, and clinical trials and drug approvals were streamlined to get new treatments in the hands of those who need them most. And in exam rooms across the country, people learned to advocate for their own health and well-being.
Thanks to Staley and fellow members of the early activist group AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, the relationship between doctor and patient was forever changed. "Patient advocacy was born in ACT UP," Staley says. "People really don't remember that there was such a divide between the 'ivory tower' and the white lab coats, and those who suffered-the patients. AIDS activism changed all that."
Read Full Article... http://www.sfaf.org/hiv-info/hot-topics/from-the-experts/heroes-in-the-fight-meet-peter.html

About San Francisco AIDS Foundation
No city experienced epidemic levels of HIV faster than San Francisco. At San Francisco AIDS Foundation, we work to end the epidemic where
it first took hold, and eventually everywhere. Established in 1982, our mission is the radical reduction of new infections in San
Francisco. Through education, advocacy, and direct services for prevention and care, we are confronting HIV in
communities most vulnerable to the disease. We refuse to accept that HIV transmission is inevitable.
For more information visit www.sfaf.org .
Ryan McKeel
(415) 487-3071
"Reproduced with permission - San Francisco AIDS Foundation"
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
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