Unique workshops - Older voices! Applications for Positive Seniors' University are now being accepted
14 May 2014 - Positive Living BC is proudly launching its third in a series of HIV+ Universities. The Positive Seniors' University
( for HIV-positive individuals over the age of 55 ) is happening September 29-October 1, 2014 at Loon Lake Camp in Maple Ridge.
Unique workshops -- Older voices!
We are excited to present the Positive Seniors' University this fall, September 29th-October 1st at Loon Lake Camp in Maple Ridge. Here,
HIV-positive individuals over the age of 55 will be both teachers and workshop participants. They will be mentors and champions
for each other: peers teaching peers! No teaching or presentation experience will be necessary. The desire to
teach/instruct/guide others and knowledge of the subject is all that is required to submit an application and
proposal. A supportive, shared learning space with seniors from all walks of life, education levels and
cultures AND sexual orientations reduces isolation, broadens our understanding of diverse lives and
contributes to normalizing HIV. Participants learn more about themselves in the process.
Participants stay at a beautiful contemporary, yet rustic, lodge at Loon Lake Camp, Maple Ridge.
An amazing natural setting with nutritious meals and comfortable accommodations is provided.
An optional "how-to present effective workshops" training will be held at Positive Living BC on September 11, 2014.
Here, we will offer tools and support, and answer further questions.
For more information, email suzank@positivelivingbc.org or call 604.893.2223 604.893.2200
- Download the application and mail or drop it off at Positive Living BC, 1107 Seymour Street,
2nd Floor, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5S8.
Don't miss out on a great experience!
Cost: Free
Location: Loon Lake Camp, Maple Ridge
Phone: 604.893.2223 or 604.893.2200
Email: suzank@positivelivingbc.org
Dates: September 29 to October 1, 2014

POSITIVE LIVING BC is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action.
We are a Registered Non-profit Society (#11928-2085) and an established leader in the HIV/AIDS movement . Uniquely
among major agencies in Canada, the POSITIVE LIVING BC Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV+ members.
Formerly known as the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (BCPWA) and with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV+ members,
we are Western Canada's largest AIDS service organization and a proud history spanning three decades. For more information
visit: www.positivelivingbc.org
"Reproduced with permission - POSITIVE LIVING BC"
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