AccolAIDS 2014
Gala Volunteers Wanted
- Positive Living Society of BC
Sunday - APRIL 13, 2014
Vancouver Convention Centre
West Building
Summit Room
1055 Canada Place
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the AccolAIDS Gala 2014 on Sunday April 13th.
The AccolAIDS Awards honour the extraordinary achievements and dedication of organizations, businesses, groups and individuals responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in British Columbia, and the thousands of people living in BC who are affected.
Proceeds benefit the vital programs and services provided by the Positive Living Society of British Columbia. AccolAIDS is made possible through the generous support of sponsors and donors, and our gratitude for their support is shared by over 5,500 HIV-positive members of Positive Living BC.
There are two shifts available:
- Afternoon
working primarily on set-up: organizing auction items; décor setup; registration desk setup etc.
- Evening
greeting and registering guests, answering questions about the auction, and helping with take down.
The positions available are:
- Registration and Bank
Register guests, inform them of their seating and hand out bid cards.The registration desk turns into the bank later in the evening where you will take guests' payments for their purchases and hand out auction items. Tidy and pack up the registration/bank desk
- Auction Host
Answer any questions guests have about the auction and bidding procedure. Monitor auction items. After the silent auction closes (approx. at 9pm), separate and collect the bid sheets and return to the auction leader.
- Greeters
Greet guests as they arrive and direct them to the Registration desk.
- Mystery Garden
Selling Mystery Garden flowers to guests (the guest keeps the flower). Ensure purchasers fill out a grand prize draw slip.Taking their payment and recording it on the Mystery Garden Sales Sheet.
- Auction Set-up
Assist with the set-up of the auction tables including décor, signage, bid sheets, and tangibles
- Miscellaneous Set-up
Assist with the overall set-up of the event including decorating the table, placing centerpieces, placing event information at each place setting and other set-up duties as required
- Awards Presentation
Assist the Stage Manager with presentation of awards, marshalling of presenters and winners, organizing trophies, misc stage arrangements
- Strikedown
Post event cleanup, gathering of décor and material, packing into vehicles, etc. May require lifting.

POSITIVE LIVING BC is dedicated to empowering persons living with HIV/AIDS through mutual support and collective action.
We are a Registered Non-profit Society (#11928-2085) and an established leader in the HIV/AIDS movement . Uniquely
among major agencies in Canada, the POSITIVE LIVING BC Board of Directors is composed entirely of HIV+ members.
Formerly known as the British Columbia Persons With AIDS Society (BCPWA) and with a membership of more than 4,800 HIV+ members,
we are Western Canada's largest AIDS service organization and a proud history spanning three decades. For more information visit: www.positivelivingbc.org
"Reproduced with permission - POSITIVE LIVING BC"
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