AIDS Vancouver
Grocery Program
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation
March 21, 2014 - A big thank you to The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation! Thank you for your support!
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation is proud to support the AIDS Vancouver Grocery Program, which serves 1200 HIV positive, low-income individuals and their 238 children by providing supplemental groceries all year long, at no cost to them.
AIDS Vancouver believes it provides a dignified and, most important, safe environment in which its patrons have access to vitally nutritious foods without having to face stigma and ridicule.
The unique grocery store set up allows clients to have a shopping experience. Patrons are invited in with a basket and they go around to each shelf and choose their items. The Grocery provides fresh milk & produce, protein items, cereal, canned goods and hygiene items, two weeks per month. It is run by one staff person and 15 volunteers. Some of these volunteers are clients themselves and contribute thousands of hours every year.
The program needs to raise $300,000.00 each year (including in-kind donations) to keep the shelves stocked. For more information visit:
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation
Elizabeth Taylor established The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation (ETAF) in 1991 to raise funds and awareness to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS, and to provide assistance for those living with the virus. With its focus on direct care and prevention education, ETAF funds AIDS organizations throughout the world, providing support services to populations most in need.
The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation (1) supports organizations delivering direct care and services to people living with HIV/AIDS, and (2) supports organizations that provide education to the public regarding the AIDS virus and the prevention of AIDS.
ETAF supports existing organizations and entities that have exhibited integrity in managing their operations along with the knowledge and ability to expediently provide services or achieve other designated goals.

About AIDS Vancouver
The first AIDS service organization in Canada. AIDS Vancouver was founded in 1983 as the first AIDS service organization in Canada.
Brett o'Reilly
Fund Development & Communications Coordinator
AIDS Vancouver
tel: 604-696-4659
"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Vancouver "
AIDS Vancouver
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