Caption: President Clinton meeting with Owen Ryan, Executive Director of the IAS, Sharon Lewin, Local Co-chair of AIDS 2014, Chris Beyrer, President-elect of the IAS and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, AIDS 2014 International Chair and President of the IAS (From left to right).
©International AIDS Society/Steve Forrest
Wednesday July 23, 2014 - Former US President Bill Clinton has told delegates at AIDS 2014, the 20th International AIDS Conference, that finding more economically efficient ways to respond to HIV is vital to saving lives and preventing the spread of the virus.
Mr Clinton, who advocates globally for health security through the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), made the comments
at the conference in Melbourne today as he reflected on the progress made so far in overcoming the HIV epidemic, as well as the challenges
that lie ahead.
Mr Clinton said meeting global HIV prevention and support targets is possible within the "existing funding
envelope", but only if resources are used more effectively. "The development of super-efficient systems can help
us achieve the 90 / 90 / 90 goals," Mr Clinton said, referring to the UNAIDS 2020 targets of 90% of people with HIV
knowing their status, 90% of people with HIV receiving antiretroviral treatment and 90% of people on treatment having
an undetectable viral load.
Mr Clinton said one of the biggest challenges is delivering care to patients in a better way in rural and remote
areas. "How can we reduce the distance they travel to the clinics, the time they wait, the money they spend? How can we
launch programs to ensure they feel supported in their communities without the stigma that makes people still, after all
these years, drop out of care," Mr Clinton said.
Mr Clinton said ending mother to child transmission of HIV, and supporting children with HIV is another challenge - as well
as a tremendous opportunity for sustaining progress in the response to HIV. "Almost 50% of all new paediatric infections occur during
the breastfeeding period. So keeping these women in care until the end of the breast-feeding period is the single most important thing
we can do to achieve an AIDS-free generation."
Mr Clinton indicated that the AIDS 2014 gathering was more of a movement than a conference, and encouraged delegates
and those involved with HIV around the world to step up the pace and continue to make in-roads in the global response to HIV. He
also paid his respects to the victims of MH17 including the six delegates due to attend AIDS 2014. He said the delegates who
died, through their work for the global HIV response "gave their entire lives to the proposition that our common humanity
matters a hell of a lot more than our differences."
Today's conference activities (Wednesday 23 July) began with plenary presentations about improving outcomes for marginalised
populations of people affected by HIV. The theme of the conference today, including the opening plenary session, was "Nobody left behind".
Issues discussed included addressing the needs of people who use drugs through drug policy and harm reduction (Khuat T. M. Oanh of
Vietnam), increasing support for people living with HIV and tuberculosis co-infection (Diane Havlir of the US), and reducing the
impact of HIV on sex workers (Daisy Nakato of Uganda) and on indigenous populations (James Ward of Australia).
Also this morning was a symposium on how momentous political and cultural change in South East Asia is impacting on the HIV
response in the region and the lessons learned from countries which are moving through periods of major transition. Other sessions included
a discussion of how police forces can better support HIV prevention efforts, and how organisations from around the world are helping to
reduce barriers to HIV prevention and care for transgender people.
This afternoon featured a symposium on how religious faiths can work to overcome sexual taboos that have negatively contributed
to the HIV epidemic. Other sessions this afternoon explored a range of subjects such as:
responding to the HIV prevention and support needs of migrants, refugees and mobile populations; maximising the preventive benefits of HIV
treatments; and novel ways to increase HIV testing among at-risk populations.
One of the most moving sessions of the conference took place late in the afternoon when a panel of people living with HIV
discuss how they have directly and personally been affected by injustice, control and punishment based on their HIV status. Their
stories will deal with issues such as HIV criminalisation, reproductive rights, employment and migration as well as stigma and
discrimination. Mr Clinton commented in the opening address that it is "unbelievable" that after all this time, "stigma and
discrimination are on the rise in some contexts."
The Global Village, the conference's international showcase of community related HIV programmes and activities, featured
a range events including HIV-related fashion shows, film screenings, music recitals and dance performances, as well as discussions on
a variety of issues such as: understanding travel restrictions for migrants living with HIVmigrants and travellers; empowering sex
workers in Asia and the Pacific, and innovative approaches to engaging young people through social media and digital platforms.
Further information:
AIDS 2014 Conference Organization
AIDS 2014 is convened by the IAS and permanent partners the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+); the International Council of
AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO); the International Community of Women with HIV/AIDS (ICW), and the Joint United Nations Programme on
Non-permanent partners are the Positive Women's Network and Sidaction.
The Australian based partners are: the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; the Australasian Society for
HIV Medicine (ASHM); and the National Association of people with HIV Australia (NAPWHA).
The Asia Pacific Partners are: The Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW); the AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (ASAP); and
the National AIDS Research of India (NARI).
AIDS 2014 on Social Media
Twitter: @AIDS_conference #AIDS2014
LinkedIn: International AIDS Conference
About the IAS
The International AIDS Society (IAS) iThe International AIDS Society (IAS) is the world's leading independent association
of HIV professionals, with over 16,000 members from more than 177 countries working at all levels of the global response to AIDS. The
IAS members include researchers from all disciplines, clinicians, public health and community practitioners on the frontlines of the
epidemic, as well as policy and programme planners.
The IAS is custodian of the biennial International AIDS Conference and lead organizer of the IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment
and Prevention, which will be held in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 19-22 July 2015. | |
Media Contacts
Onsite Media Centre: +61 0392358804/+61 0392358806
In Melbourne:
Siân Bowen
Senior Manager, Communications, IAS & AIDS 2014
Tel: Tel: +61499104186
Lucy Stackpool-Moore
Local Communications Coordinator, AIDS 2014
Tel: +61414448253
Michael Kessler
AIDS 2014 International Media Relations Consultant
Tel: +61 447 047 150
In Geneva:
Francesca Da Ros
Senior Coordinator, Communications and Media, IAS & AIDS 2014
Tel: +41 22 710 0822
Source: International AIDS Society
"Reproduced with permission - International AIDS Society"
International AIDS Society
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