Fifteen Visionaries Write the Final Chapter on AIDS in
First-of-Its-Kind Anthology, How AIDS Ends
San Francisco, November 29, 2012 - When the final chapter on AIDS is written, what will it look like?
This provocative question is posed to 15 authors-political leaders, researchers, activists, and pioneers-in How AIDS Ends, a special
anthology produced by San Francisco AIDS Foundation featuring a foreword from
President Bill Clinton. The book will be released in conjunction with World AIDS Day and available
on Amazon.com.
"Each contributor to this anthology has been deeply touched by AIDS and each of them, including myself, is equally committed
to realizing that joyful day when AIDS is part of our past, not our future," said Neil Giuliano, CEO of San Francisco AIDS
Foundation. "How AIDS Ends captures this forward-thinking spirit and reminds us that when it comes to the fight against
HIV/AIDS, there is no shortage of hope."
Contributors include Timothy Ray Brown, Jeanne White Ginder, Cleve Jones, Barbara Lee, Mark Dybul, Paul Farmer, Robert Gallo,
Mervyn Silverman, Diane Havlir, Scott Wiener, LZ Granderson, Hank Plante, Eduardo Xol, and Neil Giuliano. They share their
unique perspectives on the HIV/AIDS epidemic, their visions for how it ends, and who they will remember when that day comes.
"When we finally defeat this disease-hallelujah!," writes Jeanne White Ginder. "I think on that day, I will feel that
Ryan did not die in vain."
"Now is the time to write a new chapter in the triumph of hope over despair and love over fear and hate-a new tale of the
wonder of the human spirit," writes Mark Dybul, the newly appointed executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria.
"When the AIDS epidemic ends-when we have a vaccine to prevent new infections, and everyone who has HIV can manage it with drug
therapy-what a joy, what a relief," writes Dr. Robert Gallo, one of the co-discoverers of HIV.
"The themes in this book are universal, profound, and important, and we chose the low-priced digital book format to ensure access
to the broadest audience possible," said Giuliano. "We are honored to have contributions from so many remarkable champions
in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and we are so encouraged by early feedback that we are considering making this an ongoing project."
For more information, visit www.howAIDSends.org . To purchase the anthology, visit www.amazon.com .

About San Francisco AIDS Foundation
No city experienced epidemic levels of HIV faster than San Francisco. At San Francisco AIDS Foundation, we work to end the epidemic where
it first took hold, and eventually everywhere. Established in 1982, our mission is the radical reduction of new infections in San
Francisco. Through education, advocacy, and direct services for prevention and care, we are confronting HIV in
communities most vulnerable to the disease. We refuse to accept that HIV transmission is inevitable.
For more information visit www.sfaf.org .
Ryan McKeel
(415) 487-3071
"Reproduced with permission - San Francisco AIDS Foundation"
San Francisco AIDS Foundation
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