Positive Wellness:
Culturally Relevant Linkages to Care Webinar
Date: Aug 29, 2013
Time: 01:00 PM MDT
Duration: 1 hour
Host(s): Jamie Folsom
Linkage to care is a vital component of the prevention and treatment landscape, however, American Indian and Alaska Native people are displaying some of the lowest rates of linkage to care. Participants on this webinar will gain an understanding of what constitutes effective HIV linkage to care, and explore an existing framework that NNAAPC has created and begun to diffuse with tribal communities across the country. By walking through NNAAPC's linkage to care model Positive Wellness, this webinar will explore some of the challenges of engaging patients into care (e.g. system navigation, stigma and trust), as well as highlight strengths-based and culturally appropriate strategies for engaging AI/AN individuals living with HIV into care.
The National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC), located in Denver, CO, is a non-profit organization
founded in 1987 to address the impact of HIV/AIDS on American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians
through culturally appropriate advocacy, research, education, and policy development in support of healthy Indigenous people.
NNAAPC provides capacity building assistance to tribal and urban health organizations and communities, community-based
organizations serving Native people, and agencies that administer federal HIV/AIDS policy. Over the last 25 years,
NNAAPC has conducted work in community mobilization, training and technical assistance in HIV/AIDS prevention,
intervention and case management, communications and media development, outreach and recruitment, developing technologies with HIV applications, and forging a policy agenda that ensures the inclusion of Native people. NNAAPC is the only national
HIV/AIDS-specific Native organization in the United States.
Source: National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC)
"Reproduced with permission - National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC)"
National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC)
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