Get in the picture.
A Day with HIV
portrays 24
hours in the lives of people
affected by HIV
—and that’s all of us.
On Sunday, 22 September,
capture a moment of your day
and share your story.
On 9/22/2024 what will your picture be?
September 2024
A Day with HIV is a social media-driven campaign that portrays 24 hours in the lives of people all over the world affected by HIV—that’s all of us, regardless of status. On Sunday, 22 September, photograph a moment of your day—it can be a selfie, an action photo or an artful image. Post the picture to your social media with the hashtag #adaywithhiv; add a caption that includes the TIME and LOCATION of your photo and what INSPIRED you to take it.
Every year, A Day with HIV coincides with the autumnal equinox—one of only two days of the year when day and night are the same length. It signifies balance; in some ancient cultures, the equinox also signaled a time for change. What better day to take your best shot against stigma?

On Sunday 22 September 22, use your smartphone or digital camera to take a photo of whatever you’re doing that day.
Post the picture to your social media with a caption that includes:
- the time and location of your photo
- what inspired you to take it
- the hashtag #adaywithhiv.
Go to adaywithhiv.com to upload your photo and caption, or email them editor@positivelyaware.com. Submission deadline: Sept. 27.
Remember, photos must be taken on Sunday 22 September.
Your picture will be included in the online gallery and displayed throughout the year.
A selection of high-resolution pictures from the online gallery will appear in a special section of the NOV+DEC issue of Positively Aware magazine.
Four picture-quality photos will be chosen for different versions of the magazine cover.
For more information, email editor@positivelyaware.com.
A Day with HIV is produced by POSITIVELY AWARE, the HIV treatment magazine published by TPAN, a Chicago non-profit AIDS service organization.

About Positively Aware
Positively Aware is a magazine devoted to HIV treatment and wellness. With a
circulation of more than 100,000, it is published bi-monthly by Test Positive Aware
Network (TPAN) in Chicago and is the only publication of its kind to be produced by a
non-profit AIDS agency. Founded in 1987, TPAN is Chicago's oldest peer-led AIDS
service organization and specializes in treatment information, support services and
prevention. For more information, please visit www.positivelyaware.com or www.tpan.com .

About TPAN
TPAN empowers everyone living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS to live open, healthy, and productive lives. TPAN innovates to deliver peer-led support programs and collaborative wellness services and to communicate comprehensive information. TPAN will do so until HIV/AIDS is eradicated.For more information, please visit www.tpan.com.
Source: www.adaywithhiv.com
"Reproduced with permission - Positively Aware"
Positively Aware
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