May 8, 2024
uOttawa breaking ground on Canada’s newest health research and commercialization hub
New interdisciplinary state-of-the-art facilities will make Ottawa hotbed of health innovation
Now more than ever, the rapid interplay of medical research, discovery, and commercialization of new treatments is essential to improving health outcomes for Canadians.
Build it and they will come
The University is Ottawa is making the largest investment in its history to build the Advanced Medical Research Centre (AMRC) to fuel health research that will lead more rapid discovery and commercialization, and in turn build a thriving biotech sector in the National Capital Region.
This builds on an already robust health sciences ecosystem that includes our local hospitals, universities, research institutes and over 130 health and biotech companies. This historic investment aims to take health research to the next level and make Ottawa a hotbed of health innovation.
The pioneering work done within the walls of this 350,000+ square-foot complex will dramatically boost our national and international profile. A key feature of the AMRC will be the Ottawa Health Innovation Hub, a key strategic initiative that will bring industry to work alongside researchers and clinicians to incubate start-ups and accelerate the commercialization of novel therapies and technologies.
Smart health solutions require smart health innovation
Integrated partnerships between key players in the healthcare sector, academic research centres, private industry, agile start-ups and government are part of the solution to ensure continued progress in healthcare in Canada and around the world. With the goal to create that vital ecosystem the AMRC will help address real life challenges in real time.
By creating a space where researchers and thriving biotech companies can co-exist, innovate, and feed off each other, the AMRC will also help attract and retain top talent and investments to the area.
“We’ve got discoveries to make, jobs to create, a recovery to fuel and the AMRC and the Hub are bringing together the hearts and minds required to make it all a reality," said Sylvain Charbonneau, Vice-President Research and Innovation, who is leading this major initiative for the University of Ottawa.
Members of the media are invited to join us for the AMRC groundbreaking event.
WHAT: AMRC groundbreaking / project unveiling event
- Claudette Commanda, Chancellor of the University of Ottawa
- Jacques Frémont, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ottawa
- The Honorable David McGuinty, MP, Ottawa South
- His Worship, Mayor Mark Sutcliffe, City of Ottawa
- Bernard Jasmin, Dean, Faculty of Medicine at uOttawa
- Dr. Julie St-Pierre, Professor, Faculty of Medicine at uOttawa; Associate Vice-President, Research Support and Infrastructure
- Cameron Love, President and CEO, The Ottawa Hospital
- Sylvain Charbonneau, Vice-President, Research and Innovation at uOttawa
WHEN: Thursday, May 9th at 3:45 p.m.
WHERE: Roger Guindon Hall Atrium, 451 Smyth Road, Ottawa
To RSVP and for media inquiries: media@uottawa.ca
- Ottawa is firmly established as a centre for R&D, innovation and commercialization in smart health and precision medicine, with the nation’s capital boasting a robust health sciences ecosystem that includes over 130 companies, world-class universities and hospitals, research institutes and governments.
- With a historic $280M investment, the University of Ottawa is building a 350,000 square foot, state-of-the-art AMRC facility to gather top researchers, healthcare professionals and industry experts under one roof to accelerate the discovery and commercialization of lifesaving therapies and technologies.
- The Ottawa Health Innovation Hub hosted within the AMRC will attract both researchers and investors looking to incubate and scale-up start-ups that will allow the more rapid manufacturing and commercialization of therapies and technologies, in turn establishing Ottawa as a hotbed of innovation in the growing biotech sector.
- The AMRC will help the capital region attract and retain top research talent and enable interdisciplinary collaboration and research that will drive progress in healthcare.
- By 2030, the AMRC will have generated $652M in salaries and wages in Ontario and can expect to contribute nearly $1.1B to Ontario’s GDP, with 70% attributable to new hires and the impact from incubator and accelerator companies.
- The project is shovel ready with construction set to begin in 2024 and occupancy planned for 2026.
- 350,000+ square-foot complex located on the Roger-Guindon campus
- Designed by Parkin Architects Limited
- Built by PCL
- LEED Gold certification
- Opening is slated for 2026.
Media inquiries: media@uottawa.ca
Source: https://www.uottawa.ca
"Reproduced with permission - University of Ottawa "
University of Ottawa
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