Yes! We Can End TB & AIDS, Says AHF
March 22, 2024

AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) country teams, which have prioritized screening for TB in clinics—along with preventing and treating HIV/TB co-infection—will hold World TB Day commemorations around the globe. (Graphic: Business Wire)
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Join AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) this World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, recognized annually on March 24, to raise awareness of one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, which is the leading cause of death for people living with HIV, yet 100% preventable and treatable. AHF country teams will hold World TB Day ‘Yes! We Can End TB & AIDS’ commemorations to honor the millions of lives lost to TB while urging leaders at all levels of government to prioritize TB prevention, testing, and treatment efforts.
“World TB Day serves as a crucial reminder of the global health challenge posed by tuberculosis and emphasizes the need for heightened awareness globally. It’s imperative we dispel the myths around TB, reduce stigma, and encourage education to allow for early detection and treatment,” said Guillermina Alaniz, Director of Global Advocacy at AHF. “We urge governments everywhere to make TB a top priority, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where TB is more prevalent, which is vital for people living with HIV, as they are more susceptible to TB co-infection. Integrating TB prevention and care into HIV programs, which AHF has done, is essential for comprehensive healthcare. Together, ‘Yes! We Can End TB & AIDS.’”
According to the World Health Organization, TB claimed 1.3 million lives in 2022, including 167,000 people living with HIV, with an estimated nearly 11 million people falling ill to TB worldwide. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a public health crisis and a health security threat, yet only about two out of five people with MDR-TB accessed treatment in 2022. Global efforts to combat TB have saved an estimated 75 million lives since 2000.
Visit WeCanEndTB.org to learn more.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the world’s largest HIV/AIDS healthcare organization, provides cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to more than 1.8 million individuals across 45 countries, including the U.S. and in Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia/Pacific Region, and Eastern Europe. To learn more about AHF, visit us online at AIDShealth.org, find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, and subscribe to our AHFter Hours podcast.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Ged Kenslea, AHF Sr. Comms Dir.
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Source: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240322482439/en/Yes%21-We-Can-End-TB-AIDS-Says-AHF
"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)"
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)
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