May 16, 2024
International AIDS Candlelight Memorial
May 19 @ 4pm
Join Ribbon Community, including members from the Indigenous Committee and the In Our Day collective, as we remember, honour, and celebrate the people whose lives have been lost to AIDS.

On May 19, Ribbon Community, with members from the Indigenous Committee and the In Our Day collective, are hosting the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. This is part of an international memorial day coordinated by Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+).
Please join us at the Vancouver AIDS Memorial, Sunset Beach west, near foot of Broughton Street, at 4pm for this free event.
We will have symbols of remembrance, a chance to share the names of those we hold dear, and to connect with community over coffee.
RSVPs are optional.
RSVPing will help us plan for event and stay in touch with you afterwards. To RSVP, please visit: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/ccn37p7
Sarah Chown (she, her, hers)
Executive Director, Ribbon Community (founded as AIDS Vancouver in 1983)
direct line: 604-696-4655
401-1101 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 0R1
Source: https://www.ribboncommunity.org/
"Reproduced with permission - Ribbon Community"
Ribbon Commujity
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