Press Release
Award for innovative HIV research
08.08.2024 - The Faculty of Medicine at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg has awarded Dr Stefan Scheller the "Best Doctoral Student of the Faculty of Medicine 2024" faculty prize for his outstanding research in the field of HIV cures. Dr Scheller's dissertation deals with the ambitious idea of modifying the immune system so that it becomes resistant to the HI virus. Using CRISPR-Cas9 technology, also known as gene scissors, he was able to show that it is possible to genetically modify stem cells to make them resistant to HIV. This groundbreaking work shows the potential to provide HIV patients with a functional cure by re-transplanting resistant cells and thus offers a promising prospect for the development of a widely applicable and permanent cure for HIV. According to Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, around 38.4 million people worldwide are living with HIV.
"An infection with the HI virus is a life-changing diagnosis for patients. Despite modern drug therapies, a far-reaching cure strategy is still lacking. Although a small number of people have been cured of HIV using transplants of naturally resistant stem cells, there are not enough donors with the corresponding mutation available and this therapy is also associated with relevant risks. In my doctoral thesis, I am developing an alternative strategy to make this healing approach more widely applicable and safer," explains Dr Scheller.

Photo: Dr Stefan Scheller receives this year's "Best Doctoral Student of the Magdeburg Medical Faculty" award for his doctoral thesis on HIV cures. Photographer: J.Riedel
In his dissertation, Dr Scheller investigated a naturally occurring resistance to HIV infection that is caused by a mutation in the CCR5 gene. This gene is crucial for the entry of the HI virus into the cells. Dr Scheller's research aimed to genetically mimic this mutation in order to produce cells that are resistant to HIV. To this end, he utilised modern CRISPR-Cas9 technology in the patient's own adipose tissue stem cells and was able to successfully demonstrate that stem cells modified in this way are resistant to HIV.
The aim of further research is to transplant back the body's own stem cells from HIV patients after genetic engineering treatment in order to create an HIV-resistant immune system. This innovative method could enable a broad and permanent cure for HIV. However, Dr Scheller emphasises that this currently remains a goal for the future.
"With his outstanding research work, Dr Scheller has made a significant contribution to HIV research. We are proud to present him with this award and to further promote his scientific career," says Dean Prof Dr Daniela Dieterich.
Dr Scheller, who grew up in a village near Würzburg, completed his medical studies in Magdeburg after graduating from high school and a stint in the emergency services. A scholarship enabled him to conduct research at Tulane University in New Orleans (USA). His dissertation was written during this stay. He is currently working as a junior doctor in clinical acute and emergency medicine at Jena University Hospital.
scientific contact person
Dr. med. Stefan Hilmar Scheller, Resident at the Clinic for Emergency Medicine, Jena University Hospital, E-Mail:, Tel.: 03641/9322089
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Medizinische Fakultät
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Telefon: +49-391-67-27123
Telefax: +49-391-67-15159
Source: Award for innovative HIV research
"Reproduced with permission - Medical Faculty/University Hospital Magdeburg "
Medical Faculty/University Hospital Magdeburg
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