Los Angeles Times Readers Vote AHF Best Charity in the Southland
Out of the Closet Thrift Store and HIV testing site wins annual readers’ choice award
November 11, 2023

The Los Angeles Times has awarded AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Long Beach Out of the Closet Thrift Store “Best Charity” in its annual Best of the Southland reader survey. (Photo: Business Wire)
LONG BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Los Angeles Times has awarded AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s Long Beach Out of the Closet Thrift Store “Best Charity” in its annual Best of the Southland reader survey.
“The lives we save and improve are their own reward, but it always is wonderful to be recognized,” said Michael Weinstein, AHF president and cofounder. “Our 7,600 staff in 45 countries work hard every day in service of AHF's mission, and they richly deserve the community's support.”
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) founded Out of the Closet Thrift Store in 1990 to help raise money for its HIV and AIDS testing and treatment services and now operates 22 stores in eight states. Ninety-six cents of every dollar spent at any Out of the Closet goes back into patient care. All Out of the Closet stores offer free, rapid HIV testing on-site – a way for anyone to find out their HIV status in a discreet, nonjudgmental environment, and AHF Pharmacy services are available at select locations. Out of the Closet Thrift Stores also are designated safe spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the world’s largest HIV/AIDS healthcare organization, provides cutting-edge medicine and advocacy to more than 1.8 million individuals across 45 countries, including the U.S. and in Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, the Asia/Pacific Region, and Eastern Europe. To learn more about AHF, visit us online at AIDShealth.org, find us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, and subscribe to our AHFter Hours podcast.
Ged Kenslea
Senior Director, Communications
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
AHF Media
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Source: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20231111423565/en/Los-Angeles-Times-Readers-Vote-AHF-Best-Charity-in-the-Southland
"Reproduced with permission - AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)"
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)
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